Wedding in Bantry House, Cork

Vicky and Sinead’s wedding at Bantry House and Garden was a truly enchanting affair. Nestled in the picturesque surroundings of Bantry Bay in the southwest of Ireland near County Cork, this stately home provided the perfect backdrop for their intimate celebration. The lush gardens and breathtaking views of Bantry Bay added to the charm of this special day.

The couple opted for the handfasting ceremony, a beautiful choice that added a unique and personal touch to their union. The entire ceremony was flawlessly orchestrated by Fiona, a celebrant who has a knack for creating emotional moments whenever she officiates a wedding. The atmosphere was further enhanced by the skillful harp melodies performed by Carys, leaving both myself and the brides’ families deeply moved.

Capturing the essence of this wonderful love story was a privilege, and I feel grateful to have been a part of such a magical day. Cheers to love and the joyous union of Vicky and Sinead!

Destination wedding photography, based in Cork